Google+ Allergy-Free Vintage Cookery: Happy New Year! Let's Start Fresh...


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! Let's Start Fresh...

Welcome 2012!  This year, I will eat right, exercise, and finally stop wishing I could eat things that make me sick.  It's a beautiful, sunny day today on Cape Cod, and this morning we watched a few dozen brave (crazy?) souls charge into the Atlantic Ocean for the annual Polar Bear Plunge.  No, I was not tempted to join them, despite the lovely warm weather!

This gorgeous day is inspiring me to start fresh this year... no more whining about things I can't have, and lots more smiling about things I can have.  I'm looking forward to trying lots of new, delicious recipes, both from my cookbooks and from all the wonderful allergy-free blogs out there.

This week I'm focusing on making some new healthy school lunch options for my sons.  They're getting tired of rice bread and SunButter sandwiches, so I'm going to try a bunch of new ideas ... some wraps, some soups, and some salads.  Hope they go over well!  Check back this week and see what the boys are eating (or not eating!).

1 comment:

  1. Starting fresh, what a great blessing the New Year Brings! Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for an award I see (from your side bar) you probably have gotten before :) Here's the link:
