Google+ Allergy-Free Vintage Cookery: Easy Paleo Swiss Chard with Creamy Ham & Garlic Sauce


Monday, August 26, 2013

Easy Paleo Swiss Chard with Creamy Ham & Garlic Sauce

Our CSA box has been surprising us with lots of wonderful greens this summer, and this week's submission was Swiss Chard.  I needed to whip something up quickly with this (because I started cooking dinner too late!) and this recipe came together wonderfully with items in my fridge.

The creamy sauce is made from canned coconut milk, some Canadian bacon provides flavor, and the CSA box yielded some nice fresh garlic and chives to round out the dish.  After I ate mine, I jealously eyed my husband's portion, hoping he might declare that he was full and I could scoop it up.  No luck.  Unfortunately, big bunches of chard yield only small cooked portions, so our one bunch just made two small servings.  This is easily multiplied for a crowd though!

Easy Swiss Chard with Creamy Ham & Garlic Sauce

1 bunch Swiss Chard, cut in pieces
2 Tbsp oil
2 slices Canadian bacon, diced
3 cloves garlic, sliced
1 bunch chives
1 cup coconut milk
juice of 1/2 lemon

In a large saucepan over medium heat, saute the bacon and the garlic for 3 minutes.  Add the chard and cook an additional 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.  When the chard has softened and darkened, add the coconut milk, lemon and chives.  Simmer for about 5 minutes (longer if you have something else cooking and need more time) and serve warm.

Serves 2.

Shared with Waste Not Want Not, the AIP Roundtable, and Real Food Wednesday.


  1. This looks yummy, and I like the use of coconut milk here! Thanks so much for sharing this on Waste Not Want Not Wednesday, I’ve pinned it : )

  2. I love simple recipes, and this looks delicious! Thanks for sharing at the AIP Recipe Roundtable.
