Google+ Allergy-Free Vintage Cookery: It's Busy Around Here!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

It's Busy Around Here!

So, after a flurry of activity and last-minute craziness, we bought a new house!  We'll be moving next month, so between now and then I'm going to be up to my ears in packing boxes, not to mention my kitchen will be a complete disaster zone.  I'll try to keep posting any interesting recipes I manage to make, but I need to suspend the Friday link party, Allergy Friendly Lunchbox Love, at least until July.  Thanks everyone for your patience, and check back every once in a while to see what's going on over here in Vintage Cookery Land :)  Enjoy your summer! ~ Lisa 


  1. Congrats! We'll miss you, but we'll back to see how you're doing. Oh, and, label EVERYTHING! ;0)

  2. how exciting! good luck with your move!

  3. Good luck with your move. We'll be here when you get back for the linky..

  4. Hi Lisa,

    Congratulations!! How exciting. I look forward to your updates. Wishing you a safe and productive move friend. I also look forward to the return of Lunchbox Love Fridays! I'll see you in July. :-)


  5. Congratulations! So exciting to move, but also such a pain!! Good luck, I will look forward to seeing some pictures! Are you moving locally?

  6. Congratulations!! Best of luck on your move!
