Google+ Allergy-Free Vintage Cookery: Easy Paleo Ham Salad


Monday, October 14, 2013

Easy Paleo Ham Salad

I love to make Niman Ranch no-nitrite ham for dinner, but we always have leftovers.  This kind of ham (which I find at Whole Foods) only comes in small 1-to-2 pound packages, and for a family of five (including a very hungry teenage boy), one package isn't enough and two are too many.  Hence, my constant need to find uses for leftover ham.

This ham salad makes a great weekend lunch, served over bitter greens like arugula.  I used my old-fashioned wooden bowl and double-bladed, crescent-shaped hand chopper to mince all my ingredients, but you could use a food processor to speed things up.  Just don't process too much or you'll end up with paste.

Easy Paleo Ham Salad

About 3 slices leftover ham
About 3 medium dill pickles (adjust to taste and size of pickle)
1 bunch green onion
1/2 cup vegan mayo
1 Tbsp horseradish mustard
Pepper to taste

Chop ham, pickles and onion into a fine dice.  Mix mayo and mustard in a small bowl, then add to ham mixture.  Add pepper to taste.  All of these ingredients can be adjusted to your own taste and the amount of leftovers you have.  Go crazy!

Shared with Mostly Homemade Monday, Gluten Free Recipe Linky, Fat Tuesday, Slightly Indulgent Tuesday, Hearth and Soul Hop, Gluten Free Tuesday, Allergy Free Wednesday, Gluten Free Wednesday, Party Wave WednesdayWaste Not Want NotReal Food Wednesday, Pennywise Platter, Whole Food FridayHealing With Food Friday, Link Party Paloozaand Make Your Own Monday.  


  1. That really is easy! Thanks for sharing at Healing With Food Friday! I am sharing this on Facebook and Twitter!

  2. a great idea I had never thought of, and ham is my fav! Featuring your recipe this week on AFW!
